For my first installment of Nerdy Pets I decided to draw my dog in Sylvanas armor from World of Warcraft.  For reference please see Sylvie’s post about how she got her name:

*coming soon*

This is Sylvie’s first cosplay art!  What is cosplay?  Cosplay is when you dress up like a character from a movie, book, game, etc.  One day I’d love to make Sylvie an actual Sylvanas costume to wear but for now a drawing will have to be the concept for the real life cosplay!

I have been doing some form of art my entire life, starting with art pens, graduating up to pastel and oil paints and then settling on graphite as my favorite medium.  All of my Nerdy Pet art is hand drawn, no tracing, and colored in with colored pencil and graphite with a pen outline.  Here are a few drawings that led up to the final product!